Northern Heart + Home is pleased to welcome Isabelle Baril as a special guest contributor! Isabelle is a wife, mother, teacher and entrepreneur raised in the North. As the founder of Mind Growth Education, Isabelle was also one of our recent features.
Since schools are now officially closed for the rest of the academic year, Isabelle is sharing her top online academic activities in both English and French. Organized by language and then subject below, these can be useful now and throughout the summer months.
This year’s education has changed rapidly and everyone has had to adapt, especially with regard to using technology in our homes as distance learning is implemented by educators around the world. Naturally, everyone is wondering: What are the best academic activities online for my kids?
With a plethora of educational websites one can filter through, finding the right ones that effectively build skills, engage children, and boost learning outcomes can be intimidating.
To help you, here are 10 engaging websites/online academic activities for kids of all ages, organized in both English and French:
Ten Engaging Academic Activities in English
1. Art
At Art for Kids Hub, you’ll find all kinds of art lessons for kids, including how to draw for kids, painting and even origami for kids.
2. Gym
Do yoga, mindfulness and relaxation with Jaime on the Cosmic Kids YouTube Channel. Parents and teachers report significant improvements in self-regulation, focus and empathy with these classes.
Take a journey across Canada or the World with Mind Growth Education‘s online reading program, combining social studies and daily reading.
4. Library:
Epic provides a plethora of children’s books for all ages. The app asks for parents or teachers to create an account, and allows for them to create four profiles for children readers. You do need to register an email and a password. The visuals and music contribute to a fun learning experience.
5. Writing
Become a better writer with writing prompts, lessons, video tutorials, and quizzes. Earn badges and boost your confidence on the page and beyond with Story Bird.
6. Reading
Reading Eggs makes learning to read easy and fun for young kids – and it really works! The program is the perfect way to prepare your child for school or help them catch up with their peers if they’re struggling.
7. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math):
On the STEM-Works website, teachers, STEM professionals, parents, mentors and club leaders will find projects, activities, and events related to three topics: Robotics, Forensics and Wind Energy.
Project Learning Tree helps develop students’ awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of the environment, builds their skills and ability to make informed decisions, and encourages them to take personal responsibility for sustaining the environment and our quality of life that depends on it. From its beginnings in 1976, PLT has exemplified high-quality environmental education.
9. Science
Every lesson begins with a mystery at MysteryScience that hooks your students. It is narrated with an unforgettable story told with stunning images and videos and punctuated with opportunities for discussion. Every lesson concludes with simple hands-on activities designed to use supplies you already have (or are easy to get).
10. Math
Prodigy is a free, curriculum-aligned, fantasy-based math game used by more than a million teachers, three million parents, and 50 million students around the world. It offers content from every major math topic and covers 1,400+ skills from 1st to 8th grade, as well as DoK levels one to three! As players compete in math duels against in-game characters, it borrows elements from role-playing games (RPGs) such as Pokemon. To win, they must answer sets of questions.

Dix Meilleures Activitiés Académiques en Français
1. Art:
Découvrez leurs tutoriels de dessin pour apprendre comment dessiner étape par étape sur Tuto Dessin.
2. Gymnase
Chez MonGymEnLigne, chaque entraîneur a pour mission la santé [physique et mentale] et non l’idéal minceur. Entrainement seul, entre amis, entre collègues ou même en famille! Une gang motivante et disponible pour vous soutenir par leurs vidéos d’entraînement en ligne.
Parcourez le Canada ou le globe avec le programme de journal de lecture en ligne de Mind Growth Education, combinant les études sociales et la lecture quotidienne.
4. Bibliothèque
Avec des centaines de livres électroniques offerts à 29 niveaux de difficulté de lecture différents, il est facile de mettre le bon contenu entre les mains de chaque élève avec Raz-Kids.
5. Écriture
L’application pédagogique d’apprentissage de l’écriture. Kaligo est disponible sur tablette et utilisable au stylet et au doigt à partir de 3 ans.
6. Lecture
L’apprentissage de la lecture en français grâce à des livres illustrés gratuits réunis dans une application originale comme Boukili.
7. STIM (science, technologie, ingénierie et mathématiques)
Parlons sciences offre une variété de ressources et d’activités conçues pour inciter les enfants et les adolescents à apprendre par le biais des sciences, des technologies, de l’ingénierie et des mathématiques (STIM). Revenez régulièrement, puisque de nouvelles collections sont ajoutées toutes les semaines!
Voici une base de données d’activités d’apprentissage en plein air de Ressources pour Repenser. Ce répertoire d’activités a été créé pour renforcer la série “Sortez dehors” en proposant aux enseignants(es), aux parents et aux élèves des activités en plein air amusantes qui abordent les thèmes décrits dans chacun des guides de la nature.
9. Sciences
Éclairs de sciences offre aux enseignants(es) et aux parents du primaire des outils, et un service d’aide structurée, afin qu’ils puissent dynamiser leur enseignement de la science et de la technologie pour ainsi développer leur autonomie.
10. Mathématiques
BrainPOP Français est un site éducatif réunissant plusieurs centaines de films d’animation en ligne, véritables outils d’enseignement, regroupés dans plusieurs catégories incluant les mathématiques.
Thanks to Isabelle Baril from Mind Growth Education for providing the resources above! Is there an online education resource your kids are fans of or your family just can’t do without? Drop us a note to share with our Northern Heart + Home community!