Join us as we continue our International Women’s Day celebration by highlighting more of the amazing women shining in our Northern communities.
Check out this week’s collection of inspiring quotes taken from our interviews with local female leaders in our Northern Home and Health sections.
Hear what they have to say about strength, success and the power of community. Click on the images below to access the full interviews and stay tuned as we spotlight past features in different sections weekly for the month of March. For additional inspiration you can access our International Women’s Day 2022 post which showcases those from Northern Heart section here
Is there a fierce female who you think we should feature next? Let us know!
Quotes on Strength, Success and the Power of Community from Local Northern Leaders

How did you spend International Women’s Day? We would love to hear about it! We are beyond grateful to have so many amazing women in our lives who lift us up and have helped us become better version of ourselves: our grandmothers, mothers, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, cousins, nieces, girlfriends, each other, all our female features, and especially YOU – our Northern Heart + Home reader.