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Northern Happenings: July 15 – August 15

We got you covered with these hot happenings, guaranteed to make a splash in your social schedule. Whether you are single, looking for date ideas for someone special or searching for family fun, there is something in the North for everyone. Check back often for more of the latest and greatest! North Bay Farmers MarketWhen:…

The Northern Hand Q+A: Heirloom Island

The Northern Hand: this interview series recognizes local artists, vendors and businesses with outstanding handmade offerings. Each profile showcases and highlights unique products that can be found right here, in the North. Northern Ontario-based Heirloom Island is THE destination for colour-filled artwork, hand-drawn maps, and handmade items perfect for your home or cottage. Below Julieanne…

The Top Chip Stands in the North

These small, mom n’ pop stands and trailers serve up some of the best Canadian classics like poutine and freshly caught fish n’ chips as well as all-round classics like corn dogs (“POGO“) and burgers that draw crowds from near and far and make you dream of cheese curds and gravy. If you’re heading on…

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